Case #11: The Privacky Family Murders
Introduction: Seth Privacky The date is November 29, 1998. The Privacky family gathered for a late Thanksgiving. How was the family to know that things would turn to a bloodbath by the end of the night once i8-year-old Seth Privacky murdered his entire family. Who Were the Victims: Stephen Privacky was Seth's father. He taught the fifth grade, and was described as a dedicated teacher and was reportedly (at least at one point in time) proud of Seth. Linda Privacky was Seth's mother. She was a receptionist at a medical office. John Privacky was Stephen's father, and Seth's grandfather. Jed Privacky was Seth's older brother. April Boss was Jed Privacky's girlfriend. She was described as someone who got along with everyone. April's stepfather had said that he just wanted to know why, and that he couldn't believe his stepdaughter would have done anything to Seth. Jed and April were both 19, attending Muskegon Community College, and study...